You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.4. SALES Menu: Sales Order Processing > Creating a Backorder

Sales - Backorder Creation

Backorders can be created by:

You should use the procedures described in this section when you:

Items placed on backorder using the procedures in this section can be assigned to a committed customer delivery date, supplier, a quoted supplier delivery date and supplier cost.

Micronet's backorder system integrates with your purchase order system so you have the option to pre-allocate the backorder to a supplier for purchasing during the backorder process. Micronet has an automatic purchase order creation program that can scan these backorders/purchase orders and create your supplier orders for you.



For more information on the Automatic Purchase Orders program, refer to "Inventory - Automatic Purchase Orders".

During the receipt of items through the purchasing system, Micronet can display any outstanding backorders for the items being received so that they may be allocated to those backorders and picking slips produced. Alternatively, all the items may be received into your stock and manually allocated to backorders from there.



For more information on allocating backorders during goods receipt, refer to "Inventory - Goods Received".